Joining the Mixing It Up Challenge 2012

I came across this challenge at the Musings of a Bookshop Girl blog, and thought I’d join in. The idea is to read books of diifferent types, with a view to pushing the boundaries of one’s reading. Sounds fun. There are sixteen categories altogether, but I’m going for ten. They are:

1. Classics – Agnes Grey by Anne Brontë

2. Biography – People Who Say Goodbye by P.Y. Betts

3. Cookery, Food and Wine – Sweets by Tim Richardson

4. History

5. Romance

6. Travel – Touching the Void by Joe Simpson

7. Poetry and Drama

8. Journalism and Humour

9. Science and Natural History

10. Social Sciences and Philosophy

I have no set plans for which books I’ll read, or when (the Mixing It Up Challenge lasts all year), but I do want 2012 to be an interesting reading year.


  1. Hi David – and welcome to Mixing It Up! Hope you have a good reading year… I have high hopes that I’ll actually vary my reading up more in 2012 instead of keep lunging for the easiest reads on my shelf!

  2. Hi David! Just dropping by for a visit to mark our quarter-way point… where DOES the time go? Congratulations on tackling your first category! 🙂

  3. David Hebblethwaite

    16th April 2012 at 10:55 pm

    Hi Ellie – agree with you on the time! I’m further behind on the challenge than I wanted to be by now, but there’s plenty of time yet…

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