Happy New Year! Time to begin a new year of reading and blogging; I have it in mind to make a few changes, though I’m not going to turn them into full-blown resolutions as I prefer to keep my approach to reading flexible. So: my main intention is to have a greater variety of posts on the blog, which will mean fewer reviews and more… well, I don’t quite know yet. I expect to supplement the main reviews with shorter round-ups of other stuff I’ve read; I’d like to do some more story-by-story reviews of anthologies; and I do have some tentative ideas for different kinds of posts — but we’ll see how it goes.

I don’t really like to make reading resolutions, but I’d hope to read more non-fiction next year, and more older books. There are some specific titles I’d like to get around to: it’s about time I read something by M. John Harrison, so perhaps I’ll look at the Viriconium omnibus; likewise Haruki Murakami, so I could be taking The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle off the shelf. I’ve been meaning to read Theodore Roszak’s Flicker and John M.Ford’s The Dragon Waiting for some time; I’ve got an omnibus of Mary Gentle’s White Crow books that I want to read; and I was lucky enough to win a set of F. Scott Fitzgerald books in a competition recently, so I’d like to give some of those a try… But, again, we shall see.

Here’s wishing you a great year of reading in 2011!